Weapons and Firearms

Leaders in Learning High School is a “Weapon Free Zone”. For the safety of all, students are not allowed to bring any firearm or weapon onto school district property or to school sponsored events at any time, for any reason, as described by state law in RCW 9.41.280. Students are not permitted to bring any item that resembles a firearm or weapon to school or to school sponsored events. The consequences for facsimiles of weapons or firearms fall within the same guidelines as real weapons or firearms. Students bringing real or facsimiles of weapons and/or firearms to school or to school sponsored events will be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to suspension or expulsion. These issues are by no means a comprehensive list, but rather address some of the typical or more important ones that may occur. For more complete information and a list of specific behavior expectations and guidelines, please refer to the section on Community Relations, Board Policy 4210. If you would like to have a hard copy, you may obtain one from the main office.