Upcoming Sexual Health Information Meetings for Middle & High School Families

Human Growth and Development

Families of middle and high school students are invited to an informational meeting to learn about the sexual health curriculum that will be taught in Health and Science classes in middle school and Health and Bearcat Academy classes in high school this year. Spanish interpretation will be available.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Sexual health requirements and lesson titles 
  • Review of the materials
  • Brief Q & A
  • How to opt-out, if so desired

These information sessions will be held on the following dates at the Monroe School District Administration Office (14692 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272): 

  • Middle School Sexual Health Presentation: October 17, 2024 from 5:00-6:00 p.m.

  • High School Sexual Health Presentation: October 17, 2024 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.

A session specific to elementary will be held later in the year. 

As a reminder, our health instruction is guided by the state Health & SEL standards, state legislation (primarily RCW 28A.300.475 and RCW 28A.230.070) as well as school board policy and community input. 

If you would like to review the materials prior to the informational sessions, please visit our Health and Sexual Health Education webpage. 

Some of the most important information to know is as follows: 

  • There is no sexual health instruction in grades PreK - 3rd grade. 
  • Students must receive comprehensive sexual health instruction one time in elementary school, twice in middle school, and twice in high school.
  • Students must receive HIV/AIDS education yearly in grades 5 through 12. 
  • Families have the right to exclude (opt out) their students from HIV or Sexual Health instruction. The forms are available on the Health and Sexual Health Education page of the website. 

If you have questions, please reach out to Shannon Tarrach, Director of Secondary Learning & Teaching, at tarrachs@monroe.wednet.edu or (360) 804-2574.