Highly Capable

Purpose & Program

The mission of the Monroe School District Highly Capable Program is to identify and serve highly capable K­12 students by providing a consistent, challenging and supportive educational environment within the resources of the district. We address the significantly higher learning needs of highly capable students through a continuum of service models that span from Kindergarten through 12th grade. We provide instruction, activities, and services that accelerate learning, and offer a unique academic challenge for young learners identified as highly capable. While the program offerings vary depending on the grade level of the student, the intent is to help students explore learning through enhanced activities that target their unique skills and abilities.

When a student is eligible for highly capable services (see Screening Process below), they are identified as highly capable once families grant permission. The student will keep that identification throughout their time in the district, no matter what type of program with which the student is enrolled (e.g., Montessori, Dual Language, Excel, etc.).

A highly capable student will receive services based on the placements below:





 Cluster   Model A group of highly capable students (average is 4-6) are grouped together in a general education classroom where the teacher may differentiate what’s taught (content), the way it which it’s taught (process), or how the student demonstrates their learning (product). These decisions are based on if the student is ready for it (readiness), how they learn best (learning style), and level of interest. The differentiation may occur within a unit, within an essential standard, or lessons and assignments when applicable.  1-8
 Excel   Program* Self-contained classroom(s) that serve the highest performing highly capable students in 3rd, 4th and 5th-grade. (Not all highly capable students will be placed in Excel. See * note below.)  3-5
 Student   Choice High school students have opportunities to enroll in classes that match their readiness and interest, such as AP courses, Running Start, Honors, College in the High School.  9-12

*The Excel Program is located at Salem Woods Elementary and transportation is provided for those families accepting placement from a designated location within their home school boundaries. Every spring, Monroe School District’s Multidisciplinary Placement Selection Committee will review data from all the district’s 2nd, 3rd and 4th-grade highly capable students to determine who will be offered enrollment in the Excel Program. Highly capable identification does not guarantee enrollment in Excel. All 3rd, 4th and 5th-graders not offered enrollment in the Excel program will be served within the Cluster Model in a general education classroom.

Definition of a Highly Capable Student

As defined by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), highly capable students are those who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments. Outstanding abilities are seen within students' general intellectual aptitudes, specific academic abilities, and/or creative productivity within a specific domain. Learn more about the characteristics of a highly capable student HERE.

Screening Process

Annually, the following steps are taken to screen Monroe School District students for highly capable eligibility:

Universal Screening: 

  • It is required by law.
  • All second and fourth grade students are administered the Cognitive Abilities Assessment Screener (CogAT).
  • If the student passes the CogAT Screener, permission is needed for the student to take the CogAT Post Screener.

Screened by Referral:

  • A teacher, parent, student or staff member can refer any student in grades K-1, 3, 5-7 to be screened.
  • Referred students are administered the Cognitive Abilities Assessment Screener (CogAT).
  • If the student passes the CogAT Screener, they will take the CogAT Post-Screener.

Please refer to the timeline below.

Services Offered, Depending on District Placement

Elementary Level

  • Cluster Model 
    • Highly Capable students are served in the general education classes with the cluster model. 
    • The cluster model is 3-5 highly capable students in a general education class. 
    • The teacher differentiates lessons, assignments, and projects based on student readiness, interest, and learning profile.
  • Excel Program - By Invitation Only*
    • Highly capable may be selected by the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee to enroll in the self-contained Highly Capable classroom, Excel, at Salem Woods Elementary. 
    • This classroom serves the highest performing highly capable students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade. 
    • The math and reading curriculum is accelerated and the teacher differentiates lessons, assignments, and projects based on student readiness, interest, and learning profile. 
  • Students are notified of any after-school enrichment activities.

*If students are not eligible for the Excel Program, they will be served under the Cluster Model.

Middle Level

  • Cluster Model
    • Highly Capable students are served in the general education classes with the cluster model. Priority clusters are Reading and/or Math, depending on area of qualification. When possible, students may be clustered in other content areas.
    • The cluster model is a small group of highly capable students (average 4-6) in a general education class. 
    • Teacher may differentiate what’s taught (content), the way it which it’s taught (process), or how the student demonstrates their learning (product). These decisions are based on if the student is ready for it (readiness), how they learn best (learning style), and their level of interest. 
    • Differentiation may occur within a unit, within an essential standard, or lessons and assignments when applicable.
  • Students are notified of any after-school enrichment activities.

High School

  • Student Choice
    • School staff work to channel Hi Cap students into the advanced course offerings, such as Honors, College in the High School, AP Classes, Running Start, and Sno-Isle Skills Center. 
    • It is not required to be Hi Cap to take advanced course offerings.
  • Students are notified of any after-school enrichment activities.


Timeline for the 2024-2025 Screening & Identification Process

Referral Window

October 7 - 18

  • Referral window is mid-October for current Monroe students in grades K, 1, 3, 5-7, with the exception of students already identified as HiCap. Referral Forms will be in Family Access beginning on October 7, 2024.
  • A referral triggers the screening process and a review of the data.

  • Students in grades 2 and 4 do not need a referral, they are universally screened, with the exception of students already identified as HiCap.

  • Referral forms: English / Spanish

Data Survey & Parent Permission

Fall 2024

  • Learning & Teaching Department compiles most recent data from the district/state assessments (iReady, Interim assessment, Fountas & Pinnell, evaluations, Smarter Balance Assessment, etc.) to identify students for possible screening as well as data for the Highly Capable Multidisciplinary Placement Committee.

CogAT Screener

Early November
  • The first portion of the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) screener is given to all 2nd and 4th grade students and any referred students in grades K, 1, 3, 5-7, with the exception of students already identified as HiCap.

Notification of Screener Results

November 21, 2024
  • Parents receive notification of the results via ParentSquare.

Permission Needed from 2nd & 4th Grade Families to Continue Testing

November 27, 2024
  • The notification for the universally screened 2nd and 4th graders who pass the CogAT Screener will include directions for completing the "2025 Permission to Continue Screening" form on Family Access. Form must be completed regardless of permission. This is due November 27, 2024.


December 2-13, 2024
  • The CogAT Post-Screener is administered to those students who passed the CogAt Screener.

Data Review #1

Early January
  • The district's Highly Capable Multidisciplinary Placement Committee reviews data for all 2nd and 4th grade and referred students who took the Post-Screener.
  • The committee determines highly capable eligibility. 

Notification of Post-Screener Results

February 12, 2025
  • Families receive notification of CogAT results via ParentSquare.

Notification of Recommended Services for Students in Grades K, 1, 5-7

February 12, 2025
  • Families of qualified student(s) entering grades 1, 2, 5-7 will have access to "Permission to Receive Highly Capable Services for 2025-2026" on Family Access in Online Forms. Services will be delivered through the Cluster Model. Permission is due by February 20, 2025.

Appeals Window

February 12-17, 2025
  • Parent/Guardian submits a written appeal to the decision made by HCMPC. 
  • Appeal data is processed.
  • The committee's final decision will be sent in writing to the person filing the appeal. If a student is determined to be eligible via appeal, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian. 

Permission Due to Receive Services for Students in K, 1, 5-7

February 20, 2025
  • Permission to receive highly capable services in 2025-2026 is due. 
  • Families of qualified students in grades K, 1, 5-7 complete the form on Family Access in Online Forms.

Data Review #2

Late February
  • The district's Highly Capable Multidisciplinary Placement Committee determines services/placement of eligible students for the 2025-2026 school year.

Notification of Recommended Services for Students in Grades 2-4

Early March
  • Families of students in grades 2-4 will be notified of highly capable services offered for the 2025-2026 school year. See above table for service models.

Deadline to Accept Services for 2024-2025

Late March
  • The "Permission to Receive Highly Capable Services" form should be complete on Family Access by the end of March.

School-Based Placement

  • Updated Hi-Cap school rosters are provided to building administrators for placement consideration of the 2025-2026 school year.

*exact dates, TBD


Per RCW 28.A.185.050, Section 4, " Beginning November 1, 2023, and annually thereafter, the superintendent of public instruction must make data publicly available that includes a comparison of the race, ethnicity, and low-income status of highly capable students compared to the same demographic groups in the general student population of each school district. Reporting must also include comparisons for students who are English language learners, have an individualized education program, have a 504 plan, are covered by provisions of the McKinney-Vento homeless assistance act, or are highly mobile."

2023-2024 MSD Highly Capable Data

If you have questions, please contact:

David Paratore

Chief Student Services Officer
(360) 804-2600

Sandra Monson

Teacher on Special Assignment
(360) 804-2617