2014 Technology Levy
In February of 2014, Monroe voters approved a six-year Technology Levy totaling $7.5 million to fund:
- Updating computer stations to current Windows operating system
- Upgrading network cabling across the entire district
- Refreshing central data center (district servers)
- Providing or upgrading projector, document camera and display equipment in all instructional spaces
- Updating student computer labs and staff computer stations
- Providing professional training to teaching staff in using new technologies in their instructional deliver
- Engineering fees, permits and contingency
In addition to providing all that was promised to our community (above) through funding from the 2014 Technology Levy, Monroe School District was also able to strategically leverage vendor relationships and buying power in order to save levy dollars and additionally fund:
- Interactive classroom presentation panels that serve as a giant computer on the wall, enhancing visual learning, interaction, and collaboration instead of static classroom projectors and projection screens
- Classroom sets of networked student devices (laptops) so students now have daily access within every classroom instead of the weekly visits to shared computer labs or sharing two classroom computers with their entire class
- Webcams allowing classrooms to video conference with industry experts to learn about real life careers and learning experiences, especially when field trips to remote locations are not possible
- Classroom audio enhancement systems to distribute the teacher’s voice and all other audio equally throughout the classroom, providing each student with an equitable auditory learning experience
More robust devices that provide greater instructional and learning experiences for our students
Technology Levy Timeline (2014-2020)
- Monroe voters approved a $7.5 million Technology Levy in February
- The collection of voter-approved technology levy dollars began in the spring of 2015. Over the six years of the life of the levy (2014 through spring of 2020), the district receives two disbursements per year towards the collection of the total $7.5 million
- Upgrading and enhancement of the technology infrastructure across the district began to create a stable wireless and reliable network for students and staff to access in preparation to support new student devices, classroom presentation systems and business equipment
2015 -2016
- Continued upgrades to district’s technology infrastructure
- The Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) adopted K-12 Computer Science Standards (implementation to begin in the 2019-20 school year)
2016 - 2017
- Upgraded electrical and physical capacity in classrooms in preparation for new classroom presentation systems
- Continued server upgrades for schools
- Professional training for teachers on effective ways to integrate the new tools into their daily teaching practices and enhance learning experiences
- Digital Citizenship and Responsibility instruction is implemented as required by state law
2017 - 2018
- Purchased and installed classroom presentation systems in 367 instructional spaces, including audio enhancement systems, digital document cameras, interactive display panels with webcams, and a class set of Chromebooks (laptops) in every classroom (nearly 7,000 devices)
- Continued training for staff in the integration of technology into classroom instruction
2018 - 2019
- Digital Learning/Informational Literacy classes and Digital Learning Teachers added to all elementary schools in preparation for implementation of state required Computer Science Standards
- Middle school DigiTools course content realigned to meet Computer Science Standards. The DigiTools course now provides students experiences in computer programming, robotics, video production, editing, and composition tools
- In the spring, makerspaces are introduced to provide additional opportunities for students to create their own apps, build and program robots, and participate in other science, technology, engineering and math learning (STEM) learning activities
- Computer Science concepts are introduced across all grade levels in preparation for the required, widespread implementation of the Computer Science Standards
2019 - 2020
- MHS will be adding additional computer programming and career and technology education courses (CTE) that further integrate Computer Science Standards and the new state Educational Technology Standards
- Makerspaces will be fully implemented in each school
2020 - 2021
- Pilot of Washington State Computer Science assessments to begin for K-12
- Last disbursement of Technology Levy dollars