Safety & Security
We are committed to preparing and empowering our schools to respond to security risks, incidents and emergencies confidently and effectively. In partnership with local emergency services, we are constantly working to establish a culture of safety and security that provides for a safe learning environment for all students. To accomplish this, our Safety and Security team work with our staff to provide training and support in school safety and emergency/disaster preparedness.
Duties include the implementation of state laws and school district board policies on school premises, school transportation, and at all district sponsored events and activities. District Security Specialists are both assigned to individual schools and to the district as a whole. We are supported by emergency responders and a Monroe Police Department School Resource Officer (SRO) assigned full-time to our district during the school year.
At all times, the operation of the security department and the conduct of its staff are dedicated to serve the best interests and public welfare of the school district and the community as a whole - but we can't do it without your help. If you have a concern you would like to report, questions, or a request for training, please contact us for more information.
Our areas of responsibility include:
- Creation, revision, and facilitation of the Districts Emergency Operation Procedures
- Disaster, emergency and crisis incident command
- Chemical hygiene
- Risk management
- Fire/Life/Safety inspections & audits
- Threat assessments & safety planning
- Emergency communication
- Security
- Drills, exercises and Training Facilitation
- Cultivating local partnerships with local and state agencies
- Tort claims
For answers to commonly asked questions, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.
Contact Us
Kelly Pitts, Director of Safety & Security
(360) 804-2576
Craig Robertson, School Resource Officer
Serves all MSD schools, but based at Monroe High School
(360) 804-4517