Report a Concern

Safety is always our number one priority. We encourage students, family members, staff, and community members to report all safety concerns to any of our staff members or to submit concerns through Guardian, our online tip reporting system. If it is an emergency, please call 911.

Using Guardian to report a concern is quick and easy! You may choose to identify yourself or remain anonymous. Keep in mind that we generally cannot take disciplinary action based on an anonymous report; however, we will monitor the environment to prevent further incidents.

What Happens Once I Report a Concern?

Every concern that is reported in Guardian immediately notifies our school and designated school administrators so they can investigate and take appropriate action.

**When you file a concern, you will be assigned an access code - be sure to check-in on your ticket using this access code, as we may respond to you with information or questions.**

For information about what happens once you report a Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying concern, visit our Guide to Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying webpage.

Sexual Harassment Concerns

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, often referred to as Title IX, is a Federal civil rights law that focuses on prevention of and response to incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

To report a concern about sexual harassment, you can submit your concerns via Guardian as outlined above, or you may report it directly to our TItle IX Coordinator, Cassandra Bunney, at (360) 804-2532 or

For more information about Title IX and filing a sexual harassment complaint, please visit our Title IX webpage.


Any safety concern

Alcohol possession/use


Drug possession/use




Sexual Harassment

Suicide concerns



