Social Emotional Learning
Welcome to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)!
We use social emotional skills in order to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
In the Monroe School District we serve the whole child. This means teaching is more than engaging students in academic instruction, but also developing your child’s resiliency and long-term opportunity for wellness and success. Social emotional learning builds lifelong skills that improve grades and graduation, prevent substance use and mental health disorders, and reduce crime and poverty.
Who we are
At Monroe School District, our SEL team is a group of staff and educators committed to teaching and promoting social emotional learning for our students. This team consists of behavioral health professionals, family liaisons, prevention specialists, school-based social workers, school psychologists, the district behavior analyst, school counselors, teachers, and administrators. Though we teach and work with a broad range of students, we share a common goal of increasing our students’ ability to learn and thrive. In teaching SEL as part of our students’ education, we believe that we are furthering our Monroe Commitment: that every student has a right to powerful instruction, equitable access, and high expectations.
On this website, we share information about our programs, helpful resources for families and students, and all copies of our newsletter, What Helps Us.