Student Services

Student services provides information and assistance through a wide variety of programs that support student learning. Programs include:

Title 1

The Title I program is a federally-funded program designed to provide additional intervention and support to students struggling academically in schools with high concentrations of children from low income families.  Title I funding is generated based on the number of low-income families we serve in the community.  We currently have two Title I schools in Monroe School District: Frank Wagner Elementary, a school-wide program and Park Place Middle School, a targeted program.  The difference between school-wide and targeted is determined by the number of low-income students each building serves.  At least 40% of a school’s student population must qualify for Free & Reduced-Price Lunch in order to receive support through Title I.  Title I supports include additional funding for professional development of teachers and staff, more teachers and money for materials such as books and technology. Learn more

Section 504

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law that protects students from discrimination based on disability. Students who meet the definition of a person with a disability under Section 504 have a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, have a record of such an impairment, or are regarded as having such an impairment.  Section 504 assures that students with disabilities have educational opportunities and benefits equal to those provided to students without disabilities. 

In order to be eligible for a 504, a student must have a physical or cognitive impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.  Those impairments may impede their ability to access the general education curriculum.  A ‘504 Plan’, therefore, provides accommodations to the student in order for them to participate fully in the generally education setting.  For example, if the student uses a wheel chair but is performing at grade level, they could qualify for a 504 that accommodates the need for extra time to get to and from classes in a large, comprehensive high school where classrooms can be very far apart.  Other examples might include a student whose vision is poor or a student who is hard of hearing getting preferential seating in order to see, hear and listen to their teacher and other students in class.

504 is not the same as Special Education.  Special Education services are for students with a diagnosed learning disability.  For students with learning disabilities who require specialized instruction, the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) governs the procedures required to ensure students who qualify for Special Education are served.  Students who qualify for Special Education are provided an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) which is used to establish learning expectations with members of the student’s IEP Team, develop academic and/or behavioral goals and monitor their progress.  In order for a student to qualify, there must be evidence suggesting they are unable to access the general education curriculum within the areas of reading, writing, math and/or behavior.  Determination of eligibility is done through extensive testing by trained psychologists using evidence-based measures that include but are not limited to oral language, math, writing and reading, social maturity, etc.  Learn more

Multilingual Learners or English Language Learners

Multilingual Learners (MLL) are served by our English Language Learning teachers who support them using designated English Language learning strategies.  Our Multilingual students are ‘influenced by a dynamic cross-cultural experience, rather than rigid cultural stereotypes’.  As such, we can honor and encourage our students’ celebration of their language and culture by ensuring they are able to sustain their cultural practices and support their primary language.  Multilingual learners are among the many different students we serve and support in Monroe School District and their English language acquisition is as important as their ability to successfully maintain and grow their skills in their primary language as well.  Multilingual Learners participate fully in the Monroe School District curriculum through language and academic support from highly-qualified MLL teachers.  If your student’s primary language is something other than English and you have questions about the support he or she is receiving, please reach out to your student’s teacher, their principal or another member of the team.  We are happy to assist you in any way. Learn more

Homeless Students (McKinney-Vento Act)

The McKinney-Vento Act was a legislative response to homelessness that was enacted in 1987.  The purpose of the McKinney-Vento Act is to ensure that homeless students are enrolled in and succeed at school.  If you have a student in Monroe School District and are currently experiencing homelessness, please talk with your student’s teacher, the office manager at your student’s school, the principal, counselor or any other trusted member of your school community. You can also email our McKinney-Vento Liaison at Your message will be sent directly to our district McKinney-Vento Liaison who will maintain discretion with any information you share.  The following is a list of examples of homelessness the state uses to determine eligibility for McKinney-Vento services.  There are times when families may not be aware that they are eligible for support.  Please use the list below as a guide to gauge whether or not you may qualify for additional help. Even if you don’t think you qualify, we encourage you to reach out so we can talk through options with you.

  • Children and youth sharing housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason (e.g. two or more families living in one household, ‘couch surfing’, etc.)
  • Children and youth living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camp grounds due to lack of alternative accommodations
  • Children and youth living in emergency or transitional shelters
  • Children and youth abandoned in hospitals
  • Children and youth whose primary nighttime residence is not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation (e.g. park benches, neighbor’s garage, tent etc.)
  • Children and youth living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations
  • Migratory children and youth living in any of the above situations

Learn more

Learning Assistance Program

The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) is a state-funded program designed to provide additional intervention and support to eligible students who perform below standard on state and district assessments. With an emphasis on early grades, schools design programs that give eligible students the additional help they need for a strong start toward academic success.  If your student qualifies for LAP services, you will be notified by letter.  We encourage our teachers and families to talk about their student’s progress and share strategies for their learning.  Your student will regularly meet with an intervention teacher who supports your student’s learning outside of core instruction time.  For further information about the LAP program in your student’s school, please reach out to your student’s classroom teacher.  

The Learning Assistance Program in Monroe School District primarily focuses on our younger learners in grades K – 3.  And when possible, we use LAP funding to support students up to grade 5.  LAP students typically receive extra ‘doses’ of literacy instruction each day, meeting in small groups or 1:1 with an intervention teacher who works closely with the classroom teacher to align their instruction to accelerate students’ growth. Learn more

Skykomish Valley Indian Education

The Skykomish Valley Indian Education (SVIE) program provides culturally relevant activities, family programs, and enrichment opportunities for Native American, American Indian, and Alaskan Native students.  SVIE is a Consortium comprised of Monroe School District, Sultan School District and Snohomish School District.  The program is designed to honor and support any student who is a member of one of the many local tribes that have lived in the region since time immemorial.  Regardless of their tribal affiliation, we serve any and all students who are members of the native community.  Our native students have over the years represented the rich diversity that makes up the native people originally from the region such as Coast Salish, Snoqualmie, Sauk-Suiattle, Tulalip, Skykomish, Swinomish, Stillaguamish, Alaskan Aleut and others. Learn more