Skykomish Valley Indian Education

Skykomish Valley Indian Education (SVIE) is a federally funded three district consortium program serving Native American/Alaska Native students in Monroe, Snohomish and Sultan School Districts.

The focus of the SVIE program is for both academic support and cultural activities and includes a wide range of opportunities for Native American/Alaska Native youth including additional reading and math support, events such as Heritage Day, the annual Traditional Pow Wow, and regularly scheduled parent meetings.

Eligible students:

  • are those in preschool through 12th grade attending a public school in one of the districts in the consortium. Preschool children are only eligible if they are enrolled in the district’s preschool program and are receiving a free (no tuition) public education
  • must provide proof of tribal membership for the child, the child’s parent, or the child’s grandparent

To learn more about the SVIE program, student eligibility process, and/or about events and activities, contact:
Marlene (Mars) Miller, Family Liaison-Coordinator:

2024-25 Meetings 

Thursday, November 21st: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Agenda

2024-2025 SVIE SVIE PO Board Meetings: Dec. No Meeting, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 12.

Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month with the exception of: No meeting in December and the June meeting is the 2nd Thursday of the month.

Save the Date! 2024-25 Events

  • SVIE Snohomish Dinner and Culture Night - Date TBD
  • SVIE Sultan Dinner and Culture Night - Date TBD
  • Holiday Make and Take and Family Photos: Saturday, December 5 - 8, Longhouse Evergreen State Fairgrounds
  • Evening of Native Culture and Silent Auction - Date TBD
  • SVIE Heritage Day and Annual SVIE SVIE Parent Organization Elections,  May 22, Longhouse, Evergreen State Fairgrounds
  • SVIE Set up for the Pow Wow Event with Pizza Friday, May 23, Monroe High School
  • SVIE 21st Annual Traditional Pow Wow, Sat. May 24, Monroe High School
  • SVIE Awards Dinner, Thurs, June 5th Monroe High School

SVIE Non-Profit Parent Organization Bylaws

Title VI Indian Parent Committee Bylaws