Skykomish Valley Indian Education
The focus of the SVIE program is for both academic support and cultural activities and includes a wide range of opportunities for Native American/Alaska Native
Eligible students:
are those in preschool through 12th grade attending a public school in one of the districts in the consortium. Preschool children are only eligible if they are enrolled in the district’s preschool program and are receiving a free (no tuition) public education
must provide proof of tribal membership for the child, the child’s parent, or the child’s grandparent
To learn more about the SVIE program, student eligibility process, and/or about events and activities, contact:
Marlene (Mars) Miller, Family Liaison-Coordinator:
2024-25 Meetings
Thursday, November 21st: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Agenda
2024-2025 SVIE SVIE PO Board Meetings: Dec. No Meeting, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 12.
Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month with the exception of: No meeting in December and the June meeting is the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Save the Date! 2024-25 Events
- SVIE Snohomish Dinner and Culture Night - Date TBD
- SVIE Sultan Dinner and Culture Night - Date TBD
- Holiday Make and Take and Family Photos: Saturday, December 5 - 8, Longhouse Evergreen State Fairgrounds
- Evening of Native Culture and Silent Auction - Date TBD
- SVIE Heritage Day and Annual SVIE SVIE Parent Organization Elections, May 22, Longhouse, Evergreen State Fairgrounds
- SVIE Set up for the Pow Wow Event with Pizza Friday, May 23, Monroe High School
- SVIE 21st Annual Traditional Pow Wow, Sat. May 24, Monroe High School
- SVIE Awards Dinner, Thurs, June 5th Monroe High School