Special Education Students

In most cases, door-to-door bus service is provided for students with special needs. To help facilitate this service, we ask families to assist us as follows:
  • Due to the variety of student needs and daily ridership, the bus may run ten minutes early or late. Therefore, we ask that students be ready for pick-up ten minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time. After school drop-off times can be as early as ten minutes following the dismissal of school.
  • Students must be met at the bus stop by the parent, guardian, or other individual who has been authorized, in writing (authorization form provided below), to accept them from the bus. If no authorized person is visible when the bus arrives, the student will be driven back to school at the end of the bus route. If a parent/guardian requests that the student be dropped off without being met at the bus stop, an Authorization for Student Drop-Off Form (provided below) must be completed and returned to the bus driver or transportation office.
  • If your child will not need transportation, please inform the bus driver or call the transportation office. Between the hours of 5:00 am and 2:30 pm, please call 360-804-2652; between 2:30 pm and 5:00 pm, please call 360-804-2653. After hours, you may leave a message at either number. You may also send an email to baanrudb@monroe.wednet.edu.
    • NOTE: If we attempt to pick up a student for two consecutive days without being informed that transportation services were not needed, bus service may be stopped until we receive a phone call from the parent/guardian requesting the reinstatement of bus service.