Dear 4th/5th grade families,
This spring, fourth and fifth grade students will receive Human Growth and Development lessons in their classrooms. This instruction is part of the Monroe School District's comprehensive health curriculum. Students in grade 5 will also receive instruction about HIV/AIDS, as required by state law.
You are invited to attend an informational meeting to learn more about this curriculum on Wednesday, February 28 at 6:00 p.m. at the Monroe School District Administration Office (14692 179th Avenue SE, Monroe). Spanish interpretation will be available.
We will cover the following topics at this informational meeting:
- Health requirements and lesson titles
- Review of the instructional materials
- How to opt-out of lessons, if so desired
- Questions & answers
Fourth and fifth grade parents who wish to exclude their child(ren) from participation in the Human Growth and Development unit are not required to preview instructional materials, but must complete an exclusion request form available in the school office or on our website. Fifth grade parents who wish to exclude their child from participation in the HIV/AIDS lessons are required by state law to preview materials before completing an exclusion form.
If you are unable to attend the informational meeting, the slide show presentation and supporting materials will be available on our website. All health materials are also available for families to preview on our website, here.
If you have questions regarding our health materials, please reach out to Jennifer Murphy, Director of Curriculum & Assessment, at or (360) 804-2574.