Bonds & Levies

School Funding

Monroe School District receives funding from four major sources: Washington state (81%*), local voter-approved bonds & levies (14.2%*), the federal government (4.5%*), and grants & other sources (0.3%*).

*Percentages reflect funding sources for the 2021-22 school year.

2021-22 Funding Sources

  • Washington State Funding - 81%

The state of Washington provides school districts with state funding for “basic education." Funding for basic education is based on a “prototypical school model” as defined by the Legislature. The Basic Education Act of 1997 set a formula for giving each of the state’s school districts a certain dollar amount for every Full Time Equivalent (FTE) student (or, each student attending school all day). For students who need extra services, such as Special Education programs, Gifted Education, or Bilingual Education, there are state and federal formulas for additional dollars.

  • Local Funding - 14.2%

Because the funding provided by the state does not cover the actual costs to operate a school district, districts often utilize bonds and levies to bridge the gap. Both bonds and levies must be approved by the voters and are based upon local property valuations. Property owners pay a set amount for each $1,000 of their assessed property values. Once approved, levy and bond amounts cannot be increased. When community property values increase, the amount paid per $1,000 decreases. There are exemptions for senior citizens who meet income requirements.

  • Federal Government Funding - 4.5%

The federal government provides financial support for high-poverty schools and students who require additional resources in order to obtain a fair, equitable, high-quality education. Federal dollars pay for a percentage of programs including Vocational Education, Special Education, Native American Education, English Language Acquisition, Disability and Nutrition as well as special grants.

  • Grants & Other Sources - 0.3%

What is the Difference Between a Bond & a Levy?

Simply stated, levies are for learning, and bonds are for building. Bonds and levies are local property taxes passed by the voters of a school district that generate revenue to fund programs, services and projects that the state does not pay for as part of “basic education.”

What Bonds & Levies Have Recently Been Approved in Monroe?

In the Monroe School District, we are very grateful to voters for their ongoing support of school levies and bonds. The children of our community benefit every day from the resources provided by you, the voters.

In recent years, our community has graciously approved the following bonds & levies to fund many vital programs, construction projects and learning experiences for our students:

2014 - Tech Levy 2015 -  Bond 2022 - SP&O Levy 

Additional Resources