Schedule Changes
Student schedules have been crafted based on the registration survey students filled out last quarter. This allows us to determine how many classes are needed and which teachers will be teaching the classes. Due to this, schedule changes are not made unless there are extraordinary circumstances.
Schedule correction will only be considered under the following conditions:
- The student is not the in the correct class level (i.e. the student is scheduled for 7th grade math, but should be in 8th grade math).
Schedule changes will not be made based on lunch, period or teacher preferences. If you do not fit the above criteria, a schedule change will not occur. It is expected that if a student has a conflict with a specific teacher, he/she will meet with the teacher/parent/administrator to work out a conflict resolution.
If you feel your schedule change request meets one of the above criteria, please complete the Schedule Change Correction Request form and return it to the counseling office for consideration.