No School January 20

There will be no school on Monday, January 20, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. All schools and district offices will be closed. We encourage you to take time to reflect and honor Dr. King's legacy.

School Board Appreciation MOnth 2025
Board Appreciation Month

Please join us in recognizing our Monroe School District Board Directors for their dedication and leadership. Read more

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The Monroe Commitment to You

From your teachers, to your family, to business leaders in our community--we're all here for your success. As a student in the Monroe School District, we make a commitment to you to provide:

    1. Powerful Instruction: We will provide the instruction and programs to support you in mastering the skills and concepts you'll need to be a lifelong learner. We believe in tailoring instruction to meet your individual needs.
    2. Equitable Access: We will provide you with the time, support, and instruction needed so that you meet high standards. We believe in meeting you at your level so that we can help you achieve new heights.
    3. High Expectations: We set high expectations for you and fellow students. We will challenge you to do your personal best. We believe that holding you to high expectations results in your continued success as a student in Monroe, as a leader in your community, and world citizen.

We value and foster:

    • your individual strengths and passions
    • your needs as an individual
    • innovation to create educational choices for you
    • the community's involvement in your education
    • the reality that you must graduate ready for college, career and life
