New Cell Phone Policy for Students

New Cell Phone Policy for Students

Last year, we heard many concerns from staff and families about students’ use of personal electronic devices (cell phones, earbuds, headphones, smartwatches, etc.) at school and the negative impacts on academics, social interactions, and behavior. These concerns are not unique to our district; student cell phone use at school has become a growing problem nationwide, contributing to distractions in the classroom, reduced face-to-face communication, and increased incidents of inappropriate behavior. Whether you shared your thoughts through focus groups, ThoughtExchange surveys, email, or in-person discussions last year, we appreciate your valuable input.

In May, our school board reviewed feedback from staff, students, and families. They also examined policies from other local school districts. There was a strong consensus that limiting students' use of Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) at school was essential to fostering an environment that enhances academic focus and engagement.

After collaborating with our school principals on a draft policy, the board held additional discussions over the summer, leading to the official adoption of a new policy at Monday night’s board meeting. This new policy will take effect at the start of the 2024-25 school year.

Summary of the new Students & Personal Electronic Devices Policy:

  • Elementary Students - elementary students who choose to bring cell phones and other PEDs to school will need to keep them silenced and stored (e.g. in the student’s backpack, locker, or other district-provided storage) for the duration of the school day. This includes before school, during school, after school, and on district transportation.

  • Middle School Students - Middle school students who choose to bring cell phones or other PEDs to school will need to keep them silenced and stored (e.g. in the student’s backpack, locker, or other district-provided storage) for the duration of the school day once students enter the building. Students will be able to use their cell phones or PEDs after the school day, upon exiting the building. 

  • High School Students & Sky Valley Education Center Students - High school & SVEC students who choose to bring any PEDs to school may only use the PEDs during transition periods, at lunch, and before/after the school day. Students are expected to silence their cell phones and other PEDs before entering a classroom.

We understand that some families are concerned about students' access to cell phones during emergencies, as well as the need for students with disabilities to use electronic tools as accommodations. To address these concerns, we have included specific exceptions in the policy.

Policy Exceptions:

  • Emergency situations involving imminent physical danger.

  • Specific accommodations for assistive technology as outlined in a student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, or Individualized Health Plan (IHP).

 You can view Policy 3245 in its entirety here.


Our school principals and district leadership team also developed procedures to support the new policy, which include the following:

1. First Offense:

  • Teacher will conference with student (warning);
  • The district may impose appropriate interventions

2. Second Offense:

  • Parents or guardians will be notified;
  • The student’s phone or electronic device will be confiscated, and returned to the student at the end of the period;
  • The district may impose appropriate interventions

3. Third Offense:

  • Parents or guardians will be notified;
  • The student will conference with administration;
  • The student’s phone or electronic device will be confiscated, and returned to the student at the end of the day;
  • The student may receive an in school or short-term suspension; and the district may impose appropriate interventions. 

Multiple offenses may result in a conference with the building administration and parents or guardians to make a phone plan, which could include the loss of phone privileges at school.

We understand that this new policy represents a significant change for some students and families, and we are committed to working together to ensure a smooth transition. By setting clear expectations around the use of personal electronic devices, we believe we can create a learning environment that better supports academic achievement, positive social interactions, and overall student well-being.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership in helping our students succeed. If you have any questions or concerns about the new policy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your school principal.