Dance and Event Guidelines

Parent Advisory, with input from parents, students, and teachers, has decided on some new guidelines regarding attendance at dances and other similar social events.

The group or individual who is organizing and doing all the work for the dance or event will get to make the age requirements for the event. So... If a dance says it is for 8th-12th graders, then no students under grade 8 will be allowed to attend.

In this way, we can remain flexible and acknowledge that Sky Valley has different age groups and grade bands... Who knows? We may have some 8-12th grade dances, a 6th-12th grade dance, or a K-12th grade dance; that will be up to the group or groups organizing the dance.

Any class, staff member, group, parent, or student at SVEC could decide to sponsor a dance; all are welcome. There is a lot of work involved, and some rules to follow - but if you are interested in sponsoring a dance or social event at SVEC, stop in the main office any time.