Running Start

Running Start is a "dual-credit" program that allows high school students in 11th or 12th grade to take tuition-free college classes (above 100 level) at the community college. Students simultaneously earn high school and college credit for these courses. While any community college in the state can be accessed through R.S., most students attend one of the following programs due to geographical considerations:

Everett Community College

Cascadia Community College 

Bellevue College

Lake Washington Institute of Technology

In order to be eligible for Running Start, students need to place into college level English by taking the ACCUPLACER assessment test. 

Please Note: If you have a Smarter Balance (SBAC) score of a level 3 or 4 from 10th grade, you might be able to use that for college placement if you begin RS in 12th grade. However, if you are beginning RS in 11th grade, your SBAC scores will not be available in time for when you have to apply to RS so you should plan on taking the Accuplacer. Please contact Cammie in the office if you need copies of your 10th grade SBAC score. 

We are supplying the RS Quarterly Release Form in a digital format as a convenience to you. It is still the expectation that you bring the form into SVEC to get it signed.