Logging Onto A School Chromebook

Only staff or student email accounts can log onto school Chromebooks. You should have that information on a card that was given to you at the beginning of the school year.

The card should look very similar to this:

Student Info Card Example

The account on the card shown above is fake, but the email address and password shown on your card is the user account and password used to log onto school Chromebooks.

On our student Chromebooks we have the "@school.monroe.wednet.edu" part automatically filled in, so students should not have to type that part out.

Here is the Monroe School District's official video on how to use school Chromebooks:

The reason that Chromebooks use the email address on your card instead of the username is that Chromebooks work by logging in using Google accounts. Your school email address is a Google account, which is why you log into your email through Gmail. For more information on the capabilities and limitation of your school Google account, visit the Student Account Privileges page.

If you have misplaced your ID card, you may contact the office, Katie Kent, or Josie Fitting for help retrieving your account information.