Pickup & Drop Off

We serve over 500 students and it is critical that the procedures we have in place for arrival and dismissal run smoothly. To help ensure the safety of our students, we have implemented the following procedures:

  • The Salem Woods parking lot will be closed to traffic from 2:45-3:45 p.m. (1:30-2:30 p.m. on Fridays) except for school buses and for parents using the car drop/pick up lane. If you are a parent or guardian who has a scheduled meeting with school staff, you will be permitted to park in the parking lot.

  • Students will not be dismissed from the office between 2:45-3:25 p.m. (1:30-2:10 p.m. on Fridays). Dismissal is at 3:25 p.m. Monday-Thursday (2:10 p.m. on Fridays) and students will only be released to either a bus or the designated zone for car pick-up at that time. We will not release students to anyone walking up to pick up their child because we cannot safely manage pedestrians in the parking lot with the limited supervision staff we have available.

  • All cars need to be off Wagner Road completely while waiting in line for car drop/pick up. Cars cannot be parked or waiting in designated no parking areas (construction, in front of the lake, homeowners’ driveways or property, etc.). Cars must follow all traffic laws or run the risk of being cited. The county will periodically come to the school to monitor traffic flow.

  • The circular parking lot by the gym is for staff parking and is closed to all thru traffic during drop off and pick up times. Please do not drop off or pick up your student in this area or park and walk through the parking lot. We ask that you and your student remain in the car and stay in the queue line until you reach the designated zone for dropping off or picking up your student.

To help alleviate congestion in the parking lot:

  • Have your child ride the bus. It is both safer, quicker and puts your tax dollars to work.

  • If you opt to use car drop, you can help by having your child practice identifying your car, and school staff can help by instructing students to have their backpacks off so they are ready to load your vehicle.

To help morning drop off run smoothly, please do the following:

  • Have hugs and kisses taken care of and your child’s backpack in their hands so they can independently unbuckle and exit quickly on the passenger side of the car

  • Yield to side traffic after dropping off and slowly exit the parking lot as it is also a bus zone

  • Drop your child only in the supervised, designated area, not behind or in front, as this creates unsafe conditions for students

Procedural reminders:

  • We ask that you try to make arrangements for appointments and after school activities to allow enough time to travel without your child missing class time. We recognize that sometimes appointments sometimes have to be made during school hours, but we ask parents to limit those appointments whenever possible.

  • If your child will be getting home any other way than his/her assigned bus route, send in a dated and detailed note in the morning with your child. If there’s a change in plans during the school day, we must receive a phone call no later than 2:45. This does not include the prior long term arrangements that have already been made; those do not need to be re-sent.

  • Extra curricular activities should be planned around school, and early dismissal for those are not considered excused.

If we work together, we can make our new parking lot safe, efficient, and effective for all. Thank you for your cooperation and support!